Only 30% of PdM programs are successful. If your is not one of them then it is time to Audit you vibration monitoring program NOW! 10 Reasons why you need to audit your vibration program NOW! By Alan Friedman is now available in the December 2014 issue of Uptime Magazine and on the web. You can read the article here: http://reliabilityweb.com/index.php/articles/10_reasons_why_you_should_audit_your_vibration_monitoring_program_now/ Alan presented a well received workshop on this topic at IMC 2014 in Daytona Beach, Florida to a packed room. If you are interested in learning more or would like to have Alan on site to audit your program then please contact us using the form below.
AlanFriedman-10-Reasons to Audit Your Program download a Pdf version of the article.
Click to access AlanFriedman-10-Reasons-to-Audit-Your-Program.pdf
Alan Friedman is the author of Audit it! Improve it! Getting the Most from Your Vibration Monitoring Program This book is a must read for anyone interested in auditing a vibration program. The book covers the ten components of a successful condition monitoring program and more. It includes a workbook with worksheets and auditor’s checklists to help get you started.
Is your vibration monitoring program compliant with ISO standards and accepted best practices? Are you getting the return on investment you deserve? You will never know if you don’t audit your vibration program NOW! This book will help! Alan Friedman is available to come on-site to help you audit your vibration program and to provide training. If you don’t audit it how do you know?
To set up an appointment email: [email protected] or use the form below.