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Category: Articles

Vibration Experts

Machine vibration test guide – free download

Download a free vibration test guide here. When setting up or managing a vibration monitoring program or condition monitoring program, it is important to document information about the machine and create a vibration test guide. (Audit it. Improve it! Getting the most from your vibration monitoring program. Buy it here) Here are the important things…
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10 Reasons why you need to audit your vibration program NOW!

Only 30% of PdM programs are successful. If your is not one of them then it is time to Audit you vibration monitoring program NOW! 10 Reasons why you need to audit your vibration program NOW! By Alan Friedman is now available in the December 2014 issue of Uptime Magazine and on the web. You…
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Me and my book at IMC 2014

Audit it. Improve it! Getting the most from your vibration monitoring program is now available for sale at MC 2014 in Daytona Beach, Florida. The book is now available online here: http://books.mro-zone.com/Audit_It_Improve_It_Getting_the_Most_p/mm9781941872246.htm

How Vibration Works: The Importnce of Trending

by Alan Friedman Presented October 2009 at CMVA Introduction    Although it has been said many times, it can never be said enough, when it comes to vibration, trend, trend, trend! I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked a question like “What are the acceptable levels of vibration in a 200 HP air compressor”…
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Dealing with a reduced maintenance staff

Dealing with a reduced maintenance staff Reliable Plant: Issue: 2/2009 The economic downturn is, or will soon, affect every one of us, which means we, once again, are going to be asked to do more with less. As maintenance departments lose personnel, decisions will have to be made on how to continue to keep operations…
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Why PdM Programs Fail: Misuse of Technology

Why PdM Programs Fail:  Misuse of Technology by Alan Friedman Originally published here: http://reliabilityweb.com/index.php/articles/why_pdm_programs_fail_misuse_of_technology/ A very good mechanic knows that you need the right tool for the job, but a common problem with PdM programs is that sometimes people acquire the tool before fully understanding what problem needs to be fixed.  Of course, when you…
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Why PdM Programs Fail: Lack of Good Partnering

Why PdM Programs Fail: Lack of Good Partnering -Alan Friedman Many companies have failed to experience the 10:1, 20:1 or even 30:1 ROI promised with the adoption of a Predictive Maintenance (PdM) or Condition Monitoring (CM) program. In recent years, the industry has seen a trend towards outsourcing these monitoring functions to experienced third parties.…
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Why PdM Programs Fail: Personnel Issues

Why PdM Programs Fail:  Personnel Issues By Alan Friedman Many facilities and enterprises have failed to achieve the 10:1, 20:1 or even 30:1 Return on Investment (ROI) often promised with the introduction of a Predictive Maintenance (PdM) program.  Investments have been made in monitoring equipment and training but, unfortunately in many instances, data collectors are…
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Why do PdM Programs Fail?

Why do PdM Programs fail? Originally published here: http://reliabilityweb.com/index.php/articles/why_do_predictive_maintenance_programs_fail/#! by Alan Friedman In the past few years we have witnessed a marked change in predictive maintenance (PdM) practices whereby more and more companies are choosing to outsource their programs. While many facilities routinely calculate 20:1 return on investment metrics, others cynically refer to aging data…
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What to Look for in a Vibration Consultant

What to Look for in a Vibration Consultant By Alan Friedman The following provides an introduction to vibration analysis technology and methodology with a focus on what to look for in a vibration analysis consultant. Many corporations today are looking to outsource machinery condition monitoring programs, while others wish to have an outside vibration consultant…
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